Webinar Archive

From CPA to Z: Fulfilling Accounting Course Requirements and Keeping Students Engaged, Regardless of Delivery Method, Facilitated by Lyryx Learning

From CPA transfer credits, to course objectives, to access and inclusion; accounting instructors are under perpetual pressure to fulfill requirements while simultaneously managing student engagement and facilitating academic success. Published author, Dr. Tilly Jensen, will share her diverse experiences teaching in F2F, online, and blended learning environments across the globe and how they have impacted her teaching style today, including her prolific use of educational software and open educational resources (OER).

Facilitating secure online exams with Lyryx and OpenStax

Since the recent rapid transition to online teaching, we know many instructors have faced the daunting task of coordinating and executing online exams. In this webinar, Lyryx and our partner OpenStax heard a professor’s first-hand experience pivoting to online exam delivery this past spring, with guidelines and best practices for those wanting to similarly transition their courses while maintaining academic integrity. The webinar also includes a brief demo of Lyryx Learning, an online homework platform that provides a solution for handling exams.

Using Lyryx with OpenStax Accounting

Lyryx and OpenStax hosted an informative webinar showcasing our low-cost online homework system and how it can be used in conjunction with OpenStax’s free accounting textbooks.

The webinar featured information about how the online homework helps students master the material, as opposed to simply assessing the student’s competency. We illustrate how the system utilizes intelligent grading to carefully analyze each answer and deliver immediate personalized formative feedback. We also showcase that each question is truly randomized in a way that encourages learning by leading students to rethink a given problem multiple times.

Are Your Students #TextbookBroke? OER can Help!

Lyryx hosted an informative webinar about the issue of affordability in higher education and how OER is helping to combat the problem. With the assistance of an OER all-star panel, our aim was to increase OER awareness, access and adoption. Informative and interactive, the webinar featured information about the issue of affordability, OER and OER-related support services working to limit this barrier to higher education. The panel included student and instructor OER advocates, as well as representatives from BCcampus, Campus Manitoba, eCampusOntario and OpenStax. Time for questions and discussion with the panel was included at the end.