Summary of Achievement

The Summary of Achievement a tool that keeps track of your performance on the topics that are covered in the Labs of your course. You can access this from the Performance/Study Guide link/button on the course home page. The size of the green bar relative to the red indicates how well you have been doing on the questions you have attempted. The yellow portion indicates relevant questions that you have not yet attempted. Note that new questions may become available as your course progresses.

The Practice link at the right end of each row will let you try a question in the area you probably need the most work in. This practice question will affect your summary of achievement graphs, but does not affect your Lab or Examination grades for the course.

Important: If your instructor has assigned Labs or Examinations for grades, then you need to run them from the Labs page or the Examination page, and NOT from these Summary of Achievement practice links. The questions on the Summary of Achievement page are practice questions only.