How to Interpret the Grading Feedback

After submitting your Lab or Examination you will receive a page with color coding behind your answers.

  • Green = correct
  • Red = incorrect
  • Blue = The answer is incorrect but no marks are deducted: for example, if the answer is not exact but is off by only a small amount. It can also indicate a "consistent" answer: that is, an answer that is incorrect but is correctly deduced from, or consistent with, a previous answer. This avoids penalizing you again, and helps you to identify exactly where the actual error was committed.

With an incorrect answer, you will also receive personalized feedback on your work. This information is provided as a support for improving your understanding.

When you return to your Lab Listing window or where you may have launched the Lab from, you may need to click Refresh on the toolbar to be able to see your new grade. The grade that is listed is also a hyperlink and allows you to view your answers and the feedback you received, from your best Lab.